APRIL 19, 2024: Sourdough Focaccia

Ticket Type

Date: Friday, April 19, 2024

Time: 3pm - 6pm

Cost: $130 per single-entry HANDS-ON ticket, $50 for AUDITOR ticket (does NOT include hands-on participation)


Whether you are new to the world of sourdough, or want to polish your finely-honed bread skills, this sourdough class is sure to take you to the next level! With sourdough lover & expert Abby Love, you will learn how to make rich, olive-oil enriched focaccia using wild sourdough starter (and just a hint of yeast) for any occasion. 

In addition to being delicious, sourdough focaccia is an excellent way to put your starter to use in this relatively no-fuss flatbread. With Abby's recipe for focaccia, you'll still get all the benefits of sourdough leavening (deepened flavor, enhanced nutrition, and beautifully open crumb) without the longer timeline and more intensive process of artisanal hearth breads. During class, Abby will teach you the basics of sourdough starters and their relationship with Barton Springs Mill stone-ground flours, and you'll use your new bread science knowledge to create deliciously dimpled, salty, olive-oil-y focaccia. You will leave class with your fresh bread, along with with a deeper understanding of how stone-milled flour elevates your sourdough game, including why Abby Love has chosen to center her bread practice around the freshest flour around.

This class is for all levels of bakers!

Things to look forward to:

  • Have an opportunity to work with our own fresh flours, stone-ground right here at Barton Springs Mill
  • Learn about the differences and uses for all of our wheat varietals!
  • Learn how to master elevated focaccia techniques with Abby Love
  • Snack elegantly, and take home your own freshly-baked focaccia
  • Tour the mill 
  • Purchase BSM products at a 15% discount

Class Policies:

By purchasing tickets to attend one of our classes, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to our Participant Class Policies and Media Release. Close-toed shoes and a head covering (such as a baseball cap) required for all classes.

TICKETS ARE FINAL SALE, NON-REFUNDABLE, and NON-TRANSFERRABLE TO OTHER CLASSES. You may transfer tickets to another person to attend in your place - simply have them check in under the original name used to purchase the ticket(s).

Touring our facility requires that all participants adhere to health guidelines - all touring participants (included in ticket) will be required to remove most jewelry and piercings, and wear a beard net (if applicable) and/or hair net. Close-toed shoes are required for entering any part of our facility. 

In keeping with low COVID risk level in Travis County, masks are optional and up to personal discretion for this class. 

In the event of class cancellation, we will email you to notify you of a canceled class.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Leslie Avioli

I am looking forward to taking your class